[Mission Recycling]

We specialise in planning and executing corporate events centered around recycling and the circular economy. Our approach is characterised by meticulous attention to detail and impeccable management.

We specialize in planning and executing virtual corporate events related to recycling and the circular economy, with meticulous attention to detail and impeccable management. Each event is designed to significantly enhance the business opportunities of every participating company, thereby promoting a stronger circular economy with the aim of creating a better world. Conveniently from home, the office, a tablet, or a phone, you can connect with companies around the globe to conduct business easily, conveniently, quickly, and cost-effectively. This is innovation! In summary, our company, characterized by innovation and technology, passion, and attention to detail, is ready to create virtual events with the intention of connecting recycling industry companies worldwide, leaving a lasting impact on the results and in the hearts of participants.


[Mission Recycling]

If you are reading these lines, it is because, like us, you travel the world for work, discovering different countries, cultures, languages, customs, flavors, religions, and much more every time. Much more, because by meeting new people on each trip, you can form relationships that, despite the differences, can endure over time and become unique. If we look at the earth from different places, it almost seems like it’s not the same planet, and yet we all live here! We all breathe the same air, know the salty water of the sea, and the smell of grass when we lie on it.

We cannot stop to watch what is happening: the greenhouse effect, raw material extraction, deforestation, sea pollution, air pollution, CO₂. Are we really convinced that life is determined by fate and that things will change on their own? What if, instead, our life were a long series of extraordinary, incredible, and unpredictable encounters? The encounter is more interesting; it’s different. You have to be there for the encounter; no one can do it for you.

Mission Recycling was born to help our planet by believing in recycling, in people, in good intentions, seeking to create encounters in the recycling industry without needing to take a train or a plane, without needing to book a hotel room, without needing to plan the trip. You can have our encounters from wherever you want and with whomever you want to grow your business and make a difference for you, for the planet, one event at a time.

Why choose this Virtual Event?

Be part of a revolutionary event for the recycling industry

International event

Pay easy

Networking system

APP support

Chat with members

Video calls

Many meetings

Business improvement

Boost your company with our event!

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